Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus Outbreak

The recent coronavirus outbreak has been declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organisation (CNA, 2020) as the outbreak had spread beyond China, where it first originated. However, there is no need to panic as there are many things we can do to mitigate the situation. There are two important things to be aware of to help protect yourself. They are firstly to avoid infection and secondly to boost your natural immunity.

Avoid Infection

The coronavirus can spread from person to person in close proximity. It is transmitted through coughing or sneezing which disperses droplets of saliva or mucus several feet away and suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes. People become infected when they directly touch surfaces on which the infected droplets are present, and then touch their faces (Drillinger, 2020).

In order to avoid infection, keep your hands as clean as possible and avoid touching your face. The best way to keep hands clean is to wash them regularly and thoroughly with soap. Alcohol-based sanitizers may be helpful but it cannot stop the viruses as they tend to be more effective on microbes than viruses. Wearing masks is also not so helpful as the most common mode of transmission is by contact. Wear masks only if you are sick as they will help prevent transmission of sickness to other people.

Boost Your Natural Immunity

As the coronavirus is a new strain, nobody has any existing immunity against it. However, when a person with strong natural immunity becomes infected, some level of immunity will develop over time and they will recover. However, for people with compromised immune systems such as the sick or elderly, they may not have enough time to develop the natural immunity; they are most at risk of becoming critically ill or dying from the coronavirus.

How can you boost your natural immunity? The answer lies in your gut. Your gut and your immune system are intimately related. In addition to carrying out digestive functions, your gut is packed with about 70% of the immune cells in the body. It is also packed with over 100 trillion microbes, the gut flora, which is deeply involved in the maintenance of the entire body. The immune cells and flora in the gut both work hand in hand to fight the infiltration of pathogens (germs) into the body (Iguchi, 2019).

In order to boost your natural immunity, you need to maintain good gut health and flora. You can do it by practicing a healthy lifestyle:

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Cook meats thoroughly and eat in moderation
  • Avoid junk foods, fast foods and deep-fried foods
  • Drink more water and avoid sugary drinks
  • Supplement with probiotics and vitamins
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Exercise regularly
  • Minimize stress
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid alcohol; if not possible, drink in moderation

Keep Calm, Stay Healthy, Be Positive

This is a testing period for everybody. You may become anxious or frightened by the bombardment of negative news from your friends and social media. Do be aware that some of the news may not be accurate. Keep calm and validate the news with the main news media and government websites (MOH, 2019). Very often, the situation is actually much better than what the fake news sensationalizes. Remember, you will be alright if you take steps to read accurate news, avoid infection, stay healthy and keep your spirits up.


CNA. (2020, Jan 31). WHO declares international emergency over Wuhan virus. Retrieved from Channel News Asia – World:

Drillinger, M. (2020, Jan 29). If You’re Worried About the New Coronavirus, Here’s How to Protect Yourself. Retrieved from Healthline:

Iguchi, K. (2019, Feb 22). Boosting Immunity Through Gut Bacteria. Retrieved from Newsweek – Health:

MOH. (2019). Updates on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-NCOV) Local Situation. Retrieved from Ministry of Health Singapore: