For General Immunity
I used to fall sick very easily. After taking ProVie G, I feel much stronger and seldom catch the flu.
New Findings in the Fight Against Viral Infections
A viral infection is a proliferation of a harmful virus in the body. Viruses infect a host by introducing their genetic material into the cells of the body, hijacking the cells’ mechanism to produce more viruses and eventually killing the cells. Typically, the body’s immune system will respond in reaction to the viral invaders. Infected areas are flooded with immune cells to clear away the viruses and repair the damaged tissue with the side effect of creating inflammation. When the immune system is working properly, the inflammation is confined to the infected areas. However, when the immune system is dysfunctional, it over reacts, killing everything in their paths including healthy tissues. The inflammation might spread to other parts of the body, causing even more damage which might lead to multi-organ failures or even death.
How is it that in some people, their immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue while in others, the immune system is tightly controlled and functions properly? The answer lies in the gut. The gut is home for a very large number of microbes called the gut microbiota or flora. This flora has a huge impact on our health and equilibrium of the body. It influences many aspects of the body’s physiology from metabolism to the cardiovascular system and nervous system. In particular, the gut flora plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system.
The immune system consists of cells and molecules that protect us from disease by monitoring our bodies and responding to any foreign bodies (for example, infectious microbes and agents) that are perceived as threats. 70-80% of the body’s immune cells are found in the gut. The first contact between the immune system and the gut microbes occur at birth. Throughout life, the immune system shapes the composition of the gut flora and in turn, the gut flora shapes the development of the immune system. In particular, the gut flora helps the immune system to fine tune its responses to microbes in the body. It supports vigorous responses against dangerous pathogens, milder responses against lesser pathogenic agents, promotes tolerance to harmless microbes and maintains self-tolerance to our own body tissues.
The ability of the immune system to find the right equilibrium between reaction and tolerance can only be achieved when the gut is healthy and the flora is balanced. If the gut flora becomes unbalanced, it loses the ability to “teach” the immune system which in turn is unable to respond appropriately when encountering microbes in the body. In the extreme case, the immune system may turn on the body itself and begin attacking healthy tissues, resulting in numerous autoimmune illnesses.
In order to fight viral infections efficiently, the body’s immune system has to function properly. Taking probiotic supplements to support a healthy gut flora is one way of maintaining a robust and strong immune system to fight viral infections in the body.
For more information, read our article on Seventy Percent of Our Immune Cells Lie in the Intestine.
Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure and Viral Infection
People with conditions of diabetes, heart diseases and/or high blood pressure, even when well-managed, are at high risk of serious health complications when contacted with viral infections such as the flu. These complications may include pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections and ear infections, and may eventually lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death.
These viral infections, in turn, can worsen the chronic health problems. This is because the chronic conditions make the immune system weaker and less able to fight infections. Viral infections can actually aggravate the chronic conditions by causing blood glucose and blood pressure to rise significantly.
Age is another factor which increases the risk of developing complications from viral infection. It is recognized that people 65 years and older have weakened immune defences and are hence at higher risk in comparison to young adults. For example, it is estimated that between 70 to 85 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths have occurred in people 65 years and older, and between 50 to 70 percent of seasonal flu-related hospitalizations have occurred among people in this age group.
It is therefore imperative that people in these risk groups do their utmost to maintain their immune system, manage their chronic conditions and avoid viral infection. This can be achieved through a combination of eating in a healthy manner, exercising regularly, getting sufficient sleep, taking the right supplements, living a life with reduced stress and practising good hygiene. Read our article on Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus Outbreak for tips to live life better.
> How Vulnerable Are Patients With Cardiovascular Disease to COVID-19, Flu Complications?
> Why the Flu is Bad for Diabetes Patients?
> Common virus could cause high blood pressure
How ProVie G Can Help
ProVie G is an plant-based probiotic supplement containing fermented bitter gourd and moringa which are plants known to support healthy gut and immune system.
It has the additional benefit of supporting healthy levels of glucose and cholesterol in the body.
For best results, take 1 capsule of ProVie G everyday, on top of keeping an active and healthy lifestyle. When fighting infections, take 2 capsules.
Benefits of ProVie G
- Enhancement and maintenance of gut health
- Enhancement and maintenance of immune system
- Support for healthy levels of glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure
- Support for healthy liver function
- Fermented to make nutrients more readily available and easily absorbed
- Ability to survive acidity in the digestive tract
Why Choose Us ?
- Live Life Better. Enhances and maintains gut health and general immunity.
- Natural Ingredients. Made from bitter gourd and moringa, plants with known healing properties.
- Better Absorption. Proprietary fermentation technology releases plant nutrients and makes them more readily absorbed by the body.
- Fact Acting. Contains probiotics which are able to survive stomach acid and digestive tract. Better bowel movement within days.
- Tried and Tested. Researched for 20+ years and product is in the market for 10+ years, with positive feedback from repeat customers.
- Home Made. Made in Singapore under strict manufacturing practices. Development supported by Spring Singapore (now known as Enterprise Singapore).
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- Bitter gourd aka bitter melon (momordica charantia).
- Horse radish tree (moringa oleifera).
- Probiotics. Contains communities of Lactobacillus brevis, L. buchneri, L. delbreuckii, L. paracasei, L. plantarum. Probiotics are friendly living microorganisms which are beneficial for gut health and general immunity.
- Prebiotics. Contains oligosaccharides. Prebiotics are food for the good bacteria living in our gut and help promote gut health and general immunity.