Covid-19 Series Part 4: Living Logic+ Helps Relieve Stress And Anxiety

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people in more ways than one.  Besides worrying about the palpable health risks and community spread of the virus, most people are now acutely aware of the possibility of business downturn and subsequent effect of job security.  Coupled with the uncertainty in treatment of the disease, this pandemic has caused a lot of anxiety and stress.

As it is, most people are already facing pressure at work.  Dr. Chia Boon Tat, one of the founders of Freshwerkz Pte Ltd, said that the need for many to start having to work from home will throw the familiarity of work life into chaos. The reduction of interaction with colleagues, a change in the work environment, the need to deal with taking care of children or elderly while trying to work from home, will bring about a heightened level of stress and anxiety.  If not dealt with properly, stress can lead to depression.

Dr. Chia continued, “Our Living Logic+ supplement include Rhodiola rosea, Cistanche and probiotics / prebiotics, which not only help relieve stress and anxiety, but also enhance memory and immunity”.

Rhodiola helps to transfer oxygen from the lungs to the blood, so that more oxygen will be circulated in the brain and the body, thus enhancing the body’s resistance to stress, and allowing for better concentration.

《神农本草经》 (a renowned medicinal book written between about 200 and 250 CE) recorded the effects of Rhodiola as follows: it be taken for a long time without negatively affecting the body, and has the effects of improving Qi and prolonging life. Russians often use it to relieve daily anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Many other research results in the medical field show that taking Rhodiola has the effect of regulating stress hormones without any side effects. It can help relieve stress and reduce mental and physical fatigue.

Psychiatric experiments at the University of California, Los Angeles showed that Rhodiola rosea significantly improved the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Dr. Chia said that Cistanche has antidepressant effects. Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Cistanche has significant neuroprotective effects, and its antidepressant effect benefit has also been confirmed in recent years. In addition, Cistanche seems to be a mild sedative.

Dr. Chia explained that Cistanche helps in blood circulation, allowing our body to get sufficient oxygen so as to remove waste more efficiently from the body. A “cleaner” and healthier body can then better manage stress and anxiety.

“Stress, depression, and anxiety are partly related to imbalance in the gut flora and intestinal health. And probiotics can help to re-balance the gut microbiota.” he said.

More and more research shows that the gut microbiota plays an important role in the immune system and metabolism, and they can regulate brain function through the intestinal tract called the “second brain”.

According to a study published in the journal General Psychiatry, after 21 experiments, researchers have found that regulating intestinal flora is effective in treating anxiety.

Dr. Chia said that intestinal problems are usually caused by insufficient amount, and the lack of diversity of bacteria in the intestine.

He said that the best way to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine is to ingest beneficial bacteria and let them effectively reproduce, adjust the microbial balance of the intestine.  A healthy intestine helps to improve immunity and prevent falling sick.

The prebiotics and probiotics in Living Logic+ ferments Rhodiola and Cistanche to allow the nutrients to be easily absorbed by the human body.  They also help to prevent and / or repair leaky intestines. People who have been under stress and stress for a long time are prone to suffer from leaky gut, which is the source of a lot of diseases.

The three-pronged approach of prebiotics / probiotics, Rhodiola and Cistanche, not only effectively reduces anxiety and stress, but also improves the body’s natural immunity and keeps ailments at bay.